Lead Castle Rebuild And Detector Swap

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Re: Lead Castle Rebuild And Detector Swap

Post by GigaBecquerel » 29 Nov 2020, 19:35

Hi Tom,
purple, green, orange and gold are 75 kOhm.
I spot a small violet cable on your divider base, going from the central ptfe standoff to somewhere else.
My bases have the same wire, and it just shorts a one meg resistor going from the divider to pin 9 of the base, that just surprised me.
They have a sticker on them saying "MODIFIED See Manual!", too bad I don't have a manual...
How much current can the GS supply?

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Re: Lead Castle Rebuild And Detector Swap

Post by iRad » 30 Nov 2020, 00:48

Yes I meant to say 75k. Mine are all 75 kOhm base value between dynodes. Perhaps that is why yours say's "MODIFIED" that yours is double the value of mine. I figured to modify these myself to work with more common hobby bias supplies someday when I get a chance...

As far as output on the GS-PRO, perhaps Steven could best answer that. According to the manual; "Maximum current: 200 mA", but I think that is maximum input, so I'm not sure about output. It will not drive these sockets as-is.
Cheers, Tom Hall / IRAD INC / Stuart, FL USA
Please check out my eBay Store: http://stores.ebay.com/The-Rad-Lab

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