SIPT: My interactive periodic table

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SIPT: My interactive periodic table

Post by sgt_bear » 30 Aug 2023, 05:06

Hi folks,

Since most of you are interested in science, I've decided to share my newest project.

Besides radiation, my interests are in general science, electronics, and vintage devices. Around a year ago I 'v started to collect elements for a periodic table collection. A periodic table collection is basically a collection of as many as possible element samples out of the periodic table.

To make my collection a bit more interactive I've decided to make use of some LEDs, a microcontroller and some code to create an interactive periodic table. The LED's can for example display if an element was discovered or not at a given year, or which state (gas, solid, liquid) it has at a given temperature. Attached is an example showing all elements discovered before the year 1500 in green, and later discovered ones in red!

Here is an image of the project

If you like to read more:
- Jonathan from Switzerland

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Re: SIPT: My interactive periodic table

Post by Sesselmann » 30 Aug 2023, 05:31

Hi Jonathan,

Great looking project with educational value, well done đź‘Ť

I imagine you can add more functions to teach users about properties of the elements.

PS: I am currently spending a few weeks in Basel.


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Re: SIPT: My interactive periodic table

Post by NuclearPhoenix » 30 Aug 2023, 19:38

Hi Jonathan,

wow, what a great project! Also nice to see that you can control it via your phone over the internet, I like that idea.

Are you planning on commercializing it? ;)

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