All you need is potential

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All you need is potential

Post by Sesselmann » 12 Jul 2024, 14:20

From time to time I write down some of my ideas on paper, and those who know me well, also know 'potential' is my favourite subject.

Potential doesn't get enough attention, it's a ratio with units "energy per charge", and it simply means "ability to do work". Many scientists and amateurs alike think there is a difference between electric potential and gravitational potential, but no..., there is only one way to describe "ability to do work" it that is potential

Following this train of thought leads to some pretty radical ideas...

You can download and read the theory here. ... _potential

Have a great weekend to all !!


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Re: All you need is potential

Post by Sesselmann » 18 Jul 2024, 14:48

Well that was a bit of an anti-climax.....!

I have been waiting four years for the latest CODATA values to be published, hoping to see a drift in the proton electron mass ratio.

Historically the values which were methodically and experimentally measured, but recently the committee decided to derive the values from fundamental constants and in so doing they have essentially fixed the mass of the electron at the same value as the 2018 value, and virtually eliminated any uncertainty.

Therefore and according to the standard model my theory is disproved by definition.

If ground potential is falling as predicted, we simply don't want to know...

I should just stick my head back in the sand... 😂

Historical Proton Electron Mass Ratio
Historical Proton Electron Mass Ratio

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